Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm here

June 2

Summary of the last 3 (or 4?) days –
1.carry baggage
2.stand in line
4.get baggage
5.stand in line
6.get some sleep

I'm in the country now, but I know that there is gonna be at least one more round of traveling and carrying baggage (Yay!) By the way, I should have done weightlifting in preparation for carrying my baggage because both arms are going to fall off.

Meeting new people is near the top of my phobia list. I am excited about the peace corps, but within that excitement, I tend to dislike interacting with large groups of people I don't know. There's about 70 of us, and I've gradually learned some names. I finally realized that I what helps me remember someone the most is by having meaningful conversation with them. It feels like opening mystery box – I have no clue what is within a person until you start talking with them and discovering what they are like. Most everyone has done a lot of traveling already and has gone through a lot of studying at universities. That's not too surprising, but I figured out that some of my friends here like the same musicians, authors, and ideas that I like think about too. I guess the peace corps attracts similar types of people.

There have been a lot of pleasant moments in San Francisco and South Korea that I wont have time to describe. Incheon is gorgeous, and they have some fancy technology that I haven't seen in the US. Their airport is better than any other one I've been to (including the customer service). They were patient with us even though communication was a little confusing. I did get searched there in one of their back rooms because my suitcase had this funky flashlight and they thought it was a highly advanced weapon of some sort.

Okay gotta go.

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