Saturday, June 23, 2012

A glimpse of Mongolian Culture

June 6

I can't really describe the feeling of watching the display of music that we got to experience during one of the training days. I have often listened to music in other languages because I am attracted to hearing sounds of non-sensical words. Lots of english music contains lyrics are unintelligible, but I almost never look the lyrics up because I like it better not knowing what the vocalist was saying. The difference between my fettish for lyrics that I don't understand and the music that we got to hear is that you could see the musician communicating. That only heightens my desire to learn the language and ultimately learn about the people here. I was also fascinated by the stringed instrument that one of the musicians played. If I get to take music lessons with any of their instruments, I will jump at the chance. Some of the songs were their traditional style, but they also played songs in a style which is similar to pop music in america. I don't know why I'm trying to write about what it was like because it would be impossible, but it was definitely a moment that made me ecstatic to be here. I also wonder when the moment will come that I will despise being here. For all of you who read the Game of Thrones books, you may recollect the phrase “Winter is Coming” (in Mongolia, they supposedly have very cold winters). I switch between being a optimist and a pessimist, so its a somewhat troubling thought to imagine when the moment will come that I wish I never came.

PS. To my friends and family: If I do describe difficulties that I'm going through, please don't feel sorry for me or tell me to quit either. Its going to be totally worth it to go through the whole experience – good or bad.

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