Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mongolian People

September 6 A lot has been going on, but I haven't been writing that much. I'm going to use some words to describe some of the people that I interact with everyday.

Spontaneous – At a moments notice, people will change their plans and an an adventure ensues...

Friendly – People have stopped me in the street and start talking to me. I gave a speech in Mongolian at my school and it wasn't that great, but everyone was applauding. Being an American makes me somewhat of a novelty here, so people get excited to see me when I come to teach their class.

Hospitable – Family and friends visit each other very often, and food is always served.

Hard-Working – The week before school all of the teachers put on dust masks, sunglasses and head wraps, and we all carried rocks/dirt together. Normally, teachers wear dressy clothes, so it was funny seeing them transform into construction ninjas.

What is personal space? - If there aren't enough chairs, have 2 or 3 people sit on the same chair. Family and friends will randomly visit your Ger and hang out with you. Kids will take you by the hand and walk with you wherever you are going. You may think of these things as a nuisance, but it is a way to get to know people better and it also removes the typically shy nature of the Mongolian people.

Traditional – Many things have changed, but there is still some amazing culture here. I really like when people start singing songs. Once one person starts, everyone will join together and it sounds beautiful. Music is one of my main interests, and getting to see the horse fiddle being played or watching traditional dances is really fascinating.

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