Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One of those days

Sometimes bad things happen - yesterday, alot of bad things happened

1. When I came back to my home, my ger was changed. it was almost the same, except my door does not shut and the skylight windows were gone. Did I mention that it was really cold?
2. I was very short on money, and when I went to the bank it was closed.
3. My foot was sore, so I didn't feel like walking at all.
4. When I was in the middle of cooking dinner, I realized the power was out.
5. My class for English teachers was cancelled for the 4th consecutive week.
6. I was very low on water, and the well was closed.

Looking back it seems pretty funny, but I was pretty flustered at the time.


  1. Hi Will, are you still in Mongolia? When do you plan to return to the states?

  2. yes, I will be in mongolia for about 2 years
