Saturday, June 23, 2012


June 12

Its a strange feeling to be treated like a child again. The mixture of limited communication and not knowing how things are done create awkward circumstances. I was given something to eat today, and I had no idea how to eat it. After my futile attempt to transport the food into my mouth without looking like a fool, my mom looked at me funny and made motions to me how it was supposed to be eaten. During my lunch break, it started to sprinkle. I was handed an umbrella against my will because I did not know how to explain that I would not melt. At least I can now walk to school by myself without getting lost :) Today was also the day that I finally asked how to take a tumpen bath. I heard from my friends about their odd experiences with a tumpen bath, so I was a little uneasy. It wasn't as bad as I thought though. A tumpen is a fairly small basin which people use for washing. My sister helped me wash my hair, which is different, but it is hard to pour water on your own head without spilling it everywhere. It felt odd washing myself in the kitchen, but it was actually nice because there is no carpet there and I didn't need to worry as much about making a mess. Its quite the balancing act to stand on one foot while washing your other leg with soap, and then rinsing.
There are many things that I don't even think about until they are not there. I finally got a watch, which was a great relief, but I really missed having a mirror. I felt bad about asking for one, but its kind of hard for me to floss my teeth or shave without one. I also had a absurd nightmarish thought of going to school without noticing that my face was painted bright orange or something. Anyways, I brought it up and they got me a small mirror. It could have been weeks before I could go shopping around in a city again, so that was really helpful. I am starting to feel a little more useful because my sister let me wash the dishes once, and my mom has started to let me help with some of the cooking. Even though some things are still frustrating, I have been treated very well and there are slight glimmers of better days to come in my future.

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