Tuesday, August 7, 2012

grilled cheese and graveyard adventures

July 20

Over the past 2 months, I have had a couple chances to do cooking. I made soup once which was not too difficult, except that I was chopping the vegetables “incorrectly.” I also made a dish that is comparable to pasta with meat and vegetables. I made it mostly by myself and messed up one of the steps, but it was edible. I am going to try getting some practice making dough. I'm pretty sure they use the same recipe for noodles, dumplings, hushur, and maybe regular bread too. If I can figure out the formula, I will be very proud of myself.

I was trying to figure out a idea for making an American meal. At first, I was thinking tacos, chili, or possibly pizza. I realized that it would be a little to ambitious for me at the moment. I don't quite know which items are available or where to go to find them. Fresh tomatoes are around, but I did not come across them yet. Avocados don't exist as far as I know. I have not tasted any meat that resembles peperoni yet, and shredded cheese is rare. I decided upon making grilled cheese sandwiches because all of the ingredients were available. I have only seen people cook with oil, so I was curious if cooking with butter would be problematic. No worries though, it went well. I think they were pretty happy with it. I sliced some meat on the side (because every meal here has had meat so far) and also served pickles to go with it. In retrospect, I should have taken a picture – my bad :(

Today's adventures were not over yet. I really wanted to go to one of the mountains here because it is where people are buried. I checked with my sister to make sure that it was okay for us to go. She doesn't like going because she doesn't like being near ghosts, but we were allowed to go if we wanted. (Cultural note – traditionally, a person visits a family member that has passed away only once. Three years after someone dies, a family member will come and place milk or some type of food at the grave site and then they never come back to visit them again.) It was one of my favorite hikes so far - we got to see a spectacular sunset, and the gravestones were very interesting to look at. We were running out of time, so we didn't actually climb the mountain. Everything worked out fine, but it was kind of hard to see on the way back. Even though the sky was not black, it was a little disorienting to figure out how far away we actually were. We did have a road to follow, but the terrain was uneven and we had to walk pretty slowly. I took some of my friends home at the other side of town so it got pretty late by then. (I had my flashlight, so everything was completely fine.) I can understand why people think of the sky as a god. The moon was not out, but I could see clouds and stars at the same time. I wanted to take a picture, but it would be impossible to capture it into a good photo.

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